Its boring being sick! All you get to do is wake up feeling lethargic, have a meal, take your dosage of medicine then go to bed-(for what seems like eternity!) I've been sleeping so much for almost 3 days-and I've finally successfully been up contionuous for about 5 hours now :p after soo long. Everyone's out shopping, but i dont feel like i'm missing anything because I already had such a good week last week, including yesterday (minus my illness!) I was just thinking about much variation there is in the weather within just a day..its scorching hot at one point of time, and so sweetly breezy at another point(like now)! Anyway, since I couldn't think of anything else to do currently except wait for my much anticipated hot pink nail polish-which I asked Mum for-who said "I dont understand your hot pink, tell Pooja" so I told her (and she has already bought it) I thought of blogging till then :)
As for school, people who're having proper, fun holidays-HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
I've got a tiny week's break which I just had to fall ill in :p and there's going to be a geography test the whole huge topic of hydrology next week! I'm very happy switching to H2 geography :)) maybe because I have this mindset that geography and biology are my forte! Alright now enough raving about that:p
Hmm as of now, I'l just upload my favourite stuff=PICTURES=bliss!