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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pooja :)

DIDI I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS BLOG! Heh though it's been agees since i blogged here, more than a year actually. K anyway this post is for my darling sister ASHA

YOU THE BEST! Thanks for being there for me all the time. You're my bestest best friend ever, the one i trust the most, the sweetest sisterr and most importantly MY ROLE MODEL :) I'll always be there for you cuz I LOOOOVEE YOU :)


let's see...

5:40 PM

Monday, January 4, 2010

OMG. I can't believe i'm posting here-its been ages and feels like eternity since I came to this blog-even though it was just a few months back (2009) !
Pooja and I had created this blog together years ago :)) sweet memories! I still absolutely love this blog! But guess it can't stay alive with just me posting since it was created by both of us.. I wish Pooja blogged here at times too, cos now it feels so incomplete and totally forgotten about!
Anyways, she now blogs more frequently at
while I blog at
I wonder if she'll even see this post? Maybe one fine pretty day :)

let's see...

4:16 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009




With lots of loves,hugs and kisses to my little sister! :))

let's see...

11:13 AM

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Its boring being sick! All you get to do is wake up feeling lethargic, have a meal, take your dosage of medicine then go to bed-(for what seems like eternity!) I've been sleeping so much for almost 3 days-and I've finally successfully been up contionuous for about 5 hours now :p after soo long. Everyone's out shopping, but i dont feel like i'm missing anything because I already had such a good week last week, including yesterday (minus my illness!) I was just thinking about much variation there is in the weather within just a day..its scorching hot at one point of time, and so sweetly breezy at another point(like now)! Anyway, since I couldn't think of anything else to do currently except wait for my much anticipated hot pink nail polish-which I asked Mum for-who said "I dont understand your hot pink, tell Pooja" so I told her (and she has already bought it) I thought of blogging till then :)
As for school, people who're having proper, fun holidays-HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
I've got a tiny week's break which I just had to fall ill in :p and there's going to be a geography test the whole huge topic of hydrology next week! I'm very happy switching to H2 geography :)) maybe because I have this mindset that geography and biology are my forte! Alright now enough raving about that:p
Hmm as of now, I'l just upload my favourite stuff=PICTURES=bliss!


Me,Mithi,Pooja :)

Mithi & Pooja!

Me,Mithi&Pooja (we need a photographer who's much better than me:p)



Me, Asma, Kayya, Jasilla, Haifa

I miss my long hair! But its almost reaching that length, almost! Cant wait because longer hair=more hairstyles!:p

let's see...

8:20 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello world :) Its been more than a month since I last posted! Random post :p but at least it helps revive the blog! This was just a post to say hello! And also to take care-with all that germy stuff around and 4 H1N1 confirmed cases in Singapore :( so annoying. Take extra care and hygienic precautionary measures-use hand sanitizers after touching common stuff exposed to public! Like the buttons at the traffic lights, lifts etc.
Wee anyways, Pooja's 17th birthday is coming soon! NEXT WEEK!
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE DARLING! wee I was looking through the phobia list and realised there are numerous phobias I never heard of or imagined there will be! For instance:

-Omphalophobia- Fear of belly buttons
-Barophobia-fear of gravity -Ecophobia-fear of home
I also found some I can relate to!
-Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries (when i watched this horror movie about some guy burrying the lady alive till she died of suffocation!)
-Thalassophobia- Fear of the sea (or deep waters)
-Hypsihobia- Fear of height
-Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness
-Most importantly-Fear of LIZARDS!
That's all for now! Toodles! :))

let's see...

10:41 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Pooja! I'm NOT a self obseesed critter:p my posts are invading our blog just because you're posting only at your personal blog! But fine, here are some pretty pictures of you that I like:))

Pooja a.k.a my pretty, sweet sister:) also the blogger of this blog! In her new uniform :) cute lil small girl!

I love my lil sister! :)

Pretty lil miss Sunshine! :)

Hmm maybe I should have uploaded just 1 picture of your's! Because its enough to beat mine! Love:))

let's see...

9:27 PM

Friday, April 3, 2009


Our blog's revived! :)) Well, even if its just for a little while. And its already April 2009-so fast! Doven's birthday is in 2 days time!


and Haifa's birthday is in exactly a week's time!


We went to Sentosa to celebrate early birthdays! It was really fun with Dove, Haifa and Nanki! We had been looking forward to it for a really long time-hoping it'll be a good weather etc. And it indeed was! Warm&sunny all the way with 2 mins of drizzle:)

Here are a few of the pictures we took there, the rest are still in Doven's camera so got to wait for them!






That's all for today! Have a great April all :)) hehe till then, await my next post! H.L.H.D.Ls!

let's see...

8:19 PM