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Monday, May 28, 2007

Wee...hehe holidays are here everyone! But looks like almost every other day's occupied with extra lessons! Argh, this time, June's gonna get a little boring and dreading, cos all we'll have to wake up to every new day will be studying, and attending extra lessons to prepare for our mocks and all....Nicole!!!!! weee bestie, I totally love your choice! Love it-love it- love it!! Well, the 'O' level mt exams were today! Hindi was an exception though...However, all the best for it ppl! Barkha! hahah you made me go crazy seriously Those little mean stories of yours..My stomach hurts because of you! Pooja, hehe yea! Seems as though we didn't have anything better to do than taking around 40 pics! Anyways, i've gotta go now! Goodness, I'm worried about f&n practicals! But if I can't help myself, nobody can:) so I'd better start helping myself.
"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well."-Mahatma Gandhi

let's see...

11:10 PM

pooja :D
hey people. hols are here. boring man, haven't started with my
exclusive slogging programme yet. Grr. Been trying to drink 2
litres of water, haha, not working. I only managed to drink 2 litres
on uh. lemme see, thursday or something? yeah.
and i'm like addicted to koko krunch (did i spell right) for
the past 2 days. yesterday, i had like 3 bowls? and today
i had 1 bowl. hehe. today is sunday; exactly one week
to my birthday! ok i dunno what to blog about.
asha & i caught camera obsession on friday. i think we
took more than 40 pics. crazy right...asha lah! HAHAHA.
so anyway, this week's gonna be busy, there's the poly life
thingy on tuesday, then the NYJC science stuff on wednesday.
science, science, science. i edited nisanthra's friendster profile
for her. its so orange and black, and orange. that reminds me,
i edited all the pics to orangey black. hahaha. ok, i dunno
what else to talk about so blah, i'm ending here. adious.
oh yeah, heres some of the pics. (ORANGEblackORANGEblackORANGEblack) :D

uh, there were smore but smth wrong with blogger. so. woops.

oh and i just realised that today is monday, not sunday.

let's see...

11:20 AM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I finally reckon its time to wake up and stop compartmentalizing my life, anymore at all. Perhaps, when I succeed in being able to do that, things will start running smoothly and move in the right direction. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have to feel these stuff-day after day, and go through them over and over again if I had realized how naive I have always been and done something about it much earlier. Everytime, I think its the final time, but unfortunately, history repeats itself time and again. Argh! This is not just about the mid-year grades and all...as anyone would probably assume, its more than that. Well then I should stop thinking the way I always do, and look at things with a different perspective. Yes, see life out of our paradigm I suppose. I shall not continue further, as I may disclose things I do not intend to, because it will just bring in more confusion. End.
"Hate the sin, Love the sinner."-Mahatma Gandhi

let's see...

4:22 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

pooja :)
okay, i haven't been blogging for super, duper long. :D my life is boring lah, what to do. so my ct3 was absolutely terrifying. my average is like 65. which is like at least 10 marks less than last year's. what a drastic change. and what's amazing is that A maths is my second best subject for ct3. weeeeeiird. i just passed E maths. 50%. haha. i'm such a loser lah ok. im not going on about my lousy grades. better things to think about. i came up with an extensive revision plan to slog my way back to those A1s during the hols. but i'll be kinda busy though, with the elementz, A star research, and a couple of Bio workshops. roar. so anyway, back to school life. athirah is like this high kid, who's like high. ALL THE TIME. i mean that day she was trying this weird stuff in sasi's s.p.o. haha, no cure for you man, nurul. then i realised that chermaine looks so much like malvina. oh, and the fact that she's anorexic. but she keeps denying it. how come skinny people never wanna accept the fact that they're skinny. then bla bla yaka yaka nisanthra's sad. and bla. bla. i was supposed to go to vivo today. sorry athirah, i'm at my grandparents house!
i'll try and update sooner or later. till then, take care people and don't be worried about your grades, cos there's always another chance to work harder.

let's see...

11:50 AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yipee! Finally, the proper text formatting is back! hurray, a reason to post, since that feeling still isn't back. There's so much I had left out. What should I start with? Well, ok there was 5th May! When we gave Teh a surprise, for her birthday, a 3 days early one. It was really good, things went on smoothly and all. And that was the day Teh was early! Fated. I, being there was her first shock, she was wondering how come I had just called her up saying I was on my way to hindi school, and suddenly appeared there. We did all the stuff in the NLB.Since it were the mid-yr exams at that time, it was packed with almost all students loaded with numerous books, trying to get their facts right. But then there were also some girls who had come with a motive to study, but apparently, they kept rushing back to the restrooms, dabbing their faces with stuff and fixing their hair and all. It was an awesome.Haha, great cake too, matched Teh's personality n likes.Btw, is the font size ok now? Got some pics of that day Teh will mail the rest later on, I look weird-bed head!Good news, this blog's living again, and there's holiday tomorrow!(If you won't be you, WHO will?)

let's see...

6:04 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ASHA -I was looking forward to today, when all the exams finally end, so i can revive this almost dying blog again. I don't know why but that mood is no longer there, I mean, yes, I am posting, but its not what I planned to post. The mood's just gone off, plus there's been error on this post page for weeks! Argh I don't know why,how,when,what and who!why,Anyways.....I'll be back when the feeling's back.

let's see...

8:17 PM