pooja :D
hey people. hols are here. boring man, haven't started with my
exclusive slogging programme yet. Grr. Been trying to drink 2
litres of water, haha, not working. I only managed to drink 2 litres
on uh. lemme see, thursday or something? yeah.
and i'm like addicted to koko krunch (did i spell right) for
the past 2 days. yesterday, i had like 3 bowls? and today
i had 1 bowl. hehe. today is sunday; exactly one week
to my birthday! ok i dunno what to blog about.
asha & i caught camera obsession on friday. i think we
took more than 40 pics. crazy right...asha lah! HAHAHA.
so anyway, this week's gonna be busy, there's the poly life
thingy on tuesday, then the NYJC science stuff on wednesday.
science, science, science. i edited nisanthra's friendster profile
for her. its so orange and black, and orange. that reminds me,
i edited all the pics to orangey black. hahaha. ok, i dunno
what else to talk about so blah, i'm ending here. adious.
oh yeah, heres some of the pics. (ORANGEblackORANGEblackORANGEblack) :D
uh, there were smore but smth wrong with blogger. so. woops.
oh and i just realised that today is monday, not sunday.